
Showing posts from March, 2021


 In conclusion, many of us are guilty for not finding enough time to keep ourselves fit. We tend to make excuses for not going to the gym or we are just too plain lazy and that is hard for some people to admit. But in this successful blog, you were able to finally find time to dedicate one hour to fitness, learn about unhealthy eating habits and nutrition, and finding a workout split that works best for you. I hope this blog has inspired you to start your journey into becoming fit and as you will get to know more about yourself as a humane being and know your potential. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it. Below is an inspirational video that I hope encourages and inspires a lot of my readers to really go out there and make an effort to become fitter and healthier. Becoming fit is a big investment in ourselves and helps us as human beings function much better overall. Believe it or not you become more committed and motivated to do more things than just staying fit! You ...

Step 3 Workout Split

 Now that you understand the main two important ingredients into becoming fit we can now start applying these steps into reality. But how do I even begin? In this step I will provide different workout structures that will work best for you and your needs. Weight lifting is a great way to becoming fit and there are many different workout splits you can use. For beginners I recommend starting off by working out 2-3 days out of the week. If you are an intermediate lifter then 5 days a week will work best for you. Lastly if you are advance or just really want to challenge yourself then I recommend a 6 day split. When I talk about split, it is just a slang on how to organize your workouts throughout the week days. For example if you are a beginner and decide to workout 2-3 days a week then dedicate one day for upper body and one day for lower body. Another great split is a push, pull, and leg split. For say Monday will be your push day, Wednesday your pull day and Friday your leg day. T...

Step 2 Nutrition

Now that you have a set schedule of when you will workout we can take it a step further. This next step gets a lot more into detail but for the simplicity of things I will try my best to keep it basic. If you have made it this far great but realize that other factors play a big role when trying to become fit. Nutrition is a big key when you are trying to loose weight, gain weight, or recompose your body structure. It's great that you workout and all but if you haven't noticed any big changes, this is because you are eating unhealthy. Although statistics show that once you become more physically active, your body will start to crave healthier foods. But sometimes we can get off track and you can not overwork a diet. They say the gym is only 20% of what keeps you fit and the other 80% is in the kitchen. In this step we will talk about nutrition. Now many people get the wrong conception about dieting in which they have to stick to salads and chicken breast for the rest of their li...

Fitness 101 - Introduction and Step 1

 Introduction Have you ever told yourself that you were going to start attending the gym and live a healthier lifestyle? Does "the diet starts Monday" or "it'll be my new years resolution for the upcoming year" all sound familiar? If you answered yes to any of these questions then worry no more as I will help guide you through some tips towards a healthier lifestyle. Disclaimer, I am not a certified trainer nor am I a nutrionologist but I have been training for over a little over 4 years drug-free. The objectives of this blog is to help you get started at this moment in living a healthier lifestyle through a series of steps. These objectives and steps will inform you about nutrition and how to begin weightlifting. Using my experiences and knowledge I will help guide you through the basics to becoming fit.                                          Senior year 2016     ...